Govindan K

I believe in challenging the status quo; I believe in thinking differently. I think differently because I try to absorb knowledge from anyone - regardless of the industry they’re working in.

The Key to Happiness is as Simple as A, B, and C

How many times have you heard, “Find that thing you love, do it for the rest of your life, and be...

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Marvel’s Success Story

Marvel's success story has a surprising lesson for all entrepreneurs. From bankruptcy to being one of the most valuable studios in the world, Marvel is evidence that a "never give up" attitude pays off in the long run.

Thondimuthalum Drikshakshiyum, Rearranged

It’s been a while since Thondimuthalum Drikshakshiyum came out. Being the absolute gem that it is, you might be drawn into watching...