Kerala University Gives Answer Key Instead Of Question Paper

Students who had attended the re-examination paper found themselves having a gala time during you the Kerala University exam.

The fourth semester BSc Electronics students could not attend the scheduled exam on ‘Signals and Systems’ because of getting infected by COVID. As such, the students had to attend the re-examination paper. When the students received the Question Paper from the invigilator, they noticed that it was the answer key. Without uttering a word to the invigilator, the students went on to write all the answers in their answer book while referring to the “Question Paper”.

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When the invigilator asked for the question paper and answer book back, the students handed over the answer book and the answer key. As reported, it is believed that neither the invigilator nor the students went to complain about this incident. We know for sure that the students are guilty. As for the invigilator, the matter stands questioned.

It has come to light that the Office of Controller of Examinations printed the answer keys without being aware of the blunder. It was during the evaluation of the answer sheets did the authorities at the Kerala University realise the major blunder.

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Kerala’s governor, Arif Mohammed Khan, had a lot to say about this incident. He shared, “The school system in Kerala is the topmost in the country, but higher education is in the doldrums. This is a sure sign of incompetence. Somebody must take the moral responsibility of examinations’ cancellation.”

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